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Who Is Rog The Dodge?

“Rog the Dodge”  is the loveable alter-ego of Magician Roger Nicot.  to get more than a housekeeping job at a local hotel.  Evelyn quickly learned it was more profitable to “clean out” the guests’ possessions than to clean their rooms.


Subsequently, in his early years, “Rog the Dodge” spent much of his time hanging around the Hotel Statler in downtown Buffalo, New York.  It was here he met the first men who he looked up to and admired:  men who seemed to have an abundance of cash as well as time.  These men never carried a briefcase to an office; they always carried a pack of cards, a pair of dice.  These were the tools of their trade. 


These gentlemen of ill repute were responsible for teaching “The Dodge” how to manipulate cards and roll the dice (as well as how to outrun the police).


Seedy parts of the city drew him in like a magnet.  He was fascinated by the subculture of dive bars, speakeasys and brothels. There were late nights, fast people, but more importantly, fast money.  “Rog the Dodge” really honed his skills as a liar, cheat and hustler. 

As the size of the bets increased, so did “The Dodge’s” income.   He soon realized it took the same amount of work to cheat someone out of a $1000 as it does $100.  He just needed someone with more available cash to make his life easier.  A change of venues was necessary.


Within ten years “Rog the Dodge” moved from where hotels charged by the hour, to resort areas with Five Star hotels.  For decades, if there was a fast buck to be made, you were certain to see this disarming, smooth talking raconteur at work in some of the finest international hot spots.

Now retired from the fast life of the professional cheat and conman, “Rog the Dodge” is making his talents available to You.  He will give a fresh, professional approach to your party or event.  Using his entertaining wit, charm and manual dexterity, he will make all your friends and guests Winners. using his entertaining wit, charm and manual dexterity.



    Not just a magician, but a talented cheat and raconteur who will make everyone a Winner!

Not just a Cheat and Hustler, but a creator, author and consultant to magicians worldwide.

Member of The Magic Circle in London and The Magic Castle in Hollywood.

Corporate clients include HSBC / Marine Midland Banks,  Marriott Hotels Int., Fisher Price Toys,

Recently relocated to the United Kingdom from the USA, Rog the Dodge will give a fresh, professional approach to your party or event.

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